21 dags FJERNHEALING AF Stage 4 Cancer
(Non-hodgkins Lymphoma)
Min ven Chris Wallis fra Torronto gjorde opmærksom på hans sorg i forhold til hans søster Melanie Coelho's cancer diagnose. Jeg spurgte ham om han troede hun ville have lyst til at modtage 21 dages tempel-fjern-healing. Det ville hun rigtig gerne så jeg tog kontakt til hende. Tidspunktet var fast mellem kl 0600 og 0700 dansk tid hver dag. På det tidsrum sov Melanie i Toronto i fuldt afslappet tilstand.
Jeg havde løbende kontakt med hende i de 21 dage, da der ofte kom billeder og visuelt clairvoyante materiale "ned" ifbm. den daglige healing, som jeg løbende måtte spørge hende om hvad betød. Det havde hun givet samtykke til på forhånd.
Det var et enormt fint forløb og jeg er glad for at kunne bidrage til hendes fuldstændige helbredelse. Testimonial er skrevet af Chris på vegne og i samarbejde med Melanie.
I met Rasmus Morten a few years ago in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada not too far from where I live. Music is what led to our introduction and we had a long & great conversation that night. We talked about everything from music to life in general. We kept in touch after meeting through social media and saw each other a few times over the next few years at different concert venues around Toronto.
In May of 2020, my sister was diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer (Non-hodgkins Lymphoma). I normally don't post much about my personal life on social media but I felt that friends & family should know about this as many people know my sister as well as how much she means to me and to our family! Within an hour or so of posting this, Raasmus contacted me and was the first person to reach out to me. He had seen my post and wanted to help (keep in mind that he is in Denmark and my sister & I are in Canada).
I was very honoured & flattered that he reached out to me and she and I were both more than willing and happy to accept whatever help Raasmus could provide to her! He offered to send remote energy temple healing to her. He told us that it would be a 21 day process. It took time, dedication & discipline but she was very open to it because she needed all of the help she could get.
Through the healing Rasmus was providing he kept in close contact with my sister and he kept me updated as well. During my sister's healing, Raasmus had provided the description of a person to her as well as a name. He indicated it was a strong, energetic supportive older lady. The person he had described was our grandmother and he even told us her name (which he was never told by either of us prior to this). A few days later he described in great detail another person in my sister's support circle. All of this was truly remarkable.
My sister had finished her chemo treatments and Raasmus had spent 21 days of temple healing with her. On December 9th, 2020 we received the news that the final scan revealed that my sister was cancer free! It was the best news we've ever received and I couldn't wait to tell Raasmus. He was very happy to hear this! He then continued to offer more healing to her to keep her energy up as well as support the body because chemo can definitely drain & break down the body. She accepted and continued Raasmus's healing journey.
After multiple follow ups, I'm very happy to report that she is still cancer free. I can't tell you how lucky, happy & fortunate I feel to have not only met Raasmus but to have him as a friend. He's brought nothing but smiles and good vibes & energy to myself and those closest to me! Myself, my sister and our family & friends can't thank him enough for all that he did and the time & discipline he devoted to helping my sister!
//Chris Wallis & Melanie Coelho